Lulu – Tidy up, Double Check and Export

We’ve been converting our digital eBook to hardcopy. From the get go, there have been changes, mostly around the front matter and the formatting. We’ve added a copyright page, a table of contents, added numbering, and it’s looking good.

What’s next?

Not a lot. You’re close to the end. But something is nagging at you, right? It can’t be that easy, can it?

It can. But, you’re right, something is nagging.

At this point, you’ll want to export your document to PDF. This is what’s used at Lulu to make the content. Groovy. Click on “File -> Export as PDF…” and you’ll get a dialog.


See that little check box marked “PDF/A-1a”? Make sure it’s checked. Lulu’s engine will not appreciate it if it’s not checked. Then hit the Export button.

Job done!

Almost. Keep it cool. Because, even though you’ve exported it, you still need to check off all the things that need checking. This isn’t an exhaustive list, Lulu can give you details about the finer points, but here you go:

  1. Title page has the title, subtitle (if applicable), series (if applicable) and author(s), all with correct spelling (raises hand – guilty).
  2. For a series, be sure you’ve used the same format for numbers: If your other books are in roman numerals, continue that way.
  3. Copyright page, correct year, correct author.
  4. ISBN filled out on the copyright page – and it’s correct to the one you claimed for your print book (not recycled).
  5. Table of Contents looks correct, font is fine.
  6. Dedication, Foreword and/or Preface on separate pages.
  7. Each Chapter title in the same face / case / size.
  8. Chapter pages match up exactly with the table of contents.
  9. Page numbers are left on the left page and right on the right page.
  10. The Chapter banner for a page actually corresponds to the Chapter.
  11. Blank pages can arise after reformatting, that aren’t evident before hand.
  12. Afterword on a separate page.
  13. All images are displaying correctly.
  14. Margins, line spacing, header and footer are correct throughout.

If you need to make changes, go right ahead, but, and I’ll put this in bold and in caps and surround with asterisks and even put an exclamation mark at the end:


If you’re happy, put it as a file under ‘Final’ or ‘To Upload’, mark its date and send it to your Lulu project.Mini Jeztyr Logo


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