Free at Last!

It took a while, but we got there in the end. And it’s thanks to you, dear readers. Jolimont Street Ghost, book 4 of Paranormology, was released quite a while ago, nearly ten years. I made it free for anyone to read so that, along with Grosvenor Lane Ghost, readers could get a feel for the protagonist of the series, and the Professor, their motivations and understand where the series was headed. Great idea, sounds wonderful, only there was a problem.

Amazon’s policy won’t accept a price of free, or anything less than 99c, so while other retailers would honour it, Amazon and Kindle, would not. The only way to get around it was for readers to request a price-match, which I discuss here: Amazon and the Problem of Free

Well, I’m very pleased to say that enough pressure was applied by you collectively, and now the kindle price for Jolimont Street is $0.00! That’s right, after all these years, it has finally become free. It’s only from the American Amazon, it seems, but that’s a start. And if you’re reading this, and you use a different Amazon, you can help by following the instructions in the link above and getting the title released for the world.

With the upcoming release of Somerset Gardens Ghost (10/10/24), the timing couldn’t be better. In fact, there’s a throwback in the latest book to Jolimont, tying the two together. For this, I thank you.

If you haven’t got your copy, go and:

Let’s get spooky, people!

Jeztyr Image Small

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