What day is it? The 23rd of December? Why that must mean…
Adaptation – Part 6 is out!
That’s right! The conclusion to the Adaptation series is finally out and up for your reading pleasure, on Amazon and iTunes and Barnes & Noble and Kobo and Google Play and, of course, direct from Smashwords. All the links, plus some interesting info about the final, can be found here.
Lulu? Yes, it actually is up on Lulu, but the GlobalREACH hasn’t been activated yet. Why not? Because I made the mistake of thinking that shipping (for confirmation) would be fast at Christmas time. No disrespect to the guys at Lulu, that was totally my bad.
Once the copy has been approved by yours truly, it will be distributed and available from Barnes & Noble and Amazon in paperback, but until then you can actually buy it direct from Lulu.
Many thanks to everyone who has helped me through this. Now it’s time for a bit of a break. All work and no play makes Jez a dull boy.
[…] been quiet since releasing Part 6, I know, and I’m sorry. Don’t think I’m sitting around, twiddling my thumbs, […]