Jolimont Street Ghost – Free at last!

Tada! Please find Jolimont Street Ghost at Smashwords, yours for free, with my compliments, in whatever format you like.

Cue the fireworks and open the champagne. OK, maybe I’ll just crack a beer and watch Hellboy.

You see, I wanted to hold off on the release until I had all my ducks in a row. I wanted it available in printed media, as well as on Google Play and Amazon, get the webpage up, and all of that stuff, but I, um, kind of mucked up the delay thing at Smashwords and, well, long story short: it’s out.

But, hey, it’s out!JolimontStreet

It’s released!

It’ll be up on Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Google Play, iTunes and Kobo in a day or two, and I’ll update the website accordingly, but why wait? Head to Smashwords and bag yourself a free copy now! (Besides, it ain’t gonna be free on Amazon).Mini Jeztyr Logo